Critically Examination of the Worries and Problems of Young Carers in Education
I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without that I would have never been able to do this research.
I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially that are associated with university.
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In this research we try to explore the notion of young carers in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on the problems faced by young carers in terms of education. The research also analyzes many aspects of the worries and problems of young carers and tries to gauge its effect on the lives of these young people. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for the problems faced by these young carers in education and tries to describe the overall effect of the worries on their youthful years.
Chapter 4: Analysis of the questionnaire for professionals
For the purpose of making the research accurate and balanced, both sides of the pictures must be analyzed in order to get a clearer view of the issue. For the purpose, not only the young carers were interviewed, but teachers and SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinators) professionals were also carried out to get a holistic analysis and discussion. The findings of the questionnaire which was filled in by professionals, including teachers and young carers reveal that young carers do face a number of problems in their studies because of the tedious emotional and physical tasks that they have to grow through at home.
For the purpose of obtaining a broader picture regarding the said topic, an open-ended questionnaire was designed for teachers, SENCOs and young carers. A universe of 15 teachers and 5 SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators) was chosen in order to conduct the interview. Since the nature of the questions was open-ended, i.e. the respondents were asked to give their own perception of the asked questions; the accumulated data cannot be tabulated unlike our previous questionnaire. Here is an analysis of the accumulated data.
When asked about the definition of young carer, 15 participants came up the similar replies according to which a young carer is a child who is usually under 18 years of age and who is responsible of taking care of their parents and/or other family members at home. Most people were clear of the notion that the parents of such children have some sort of disability which could be either mental, or physical or both. Other participants came up with a variety of answers which more or less could be related to the same definition. The 5 SEMCO participants were of the view that some children ...