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Criminal / Civil Law

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Criminal Law/Civil Law

Criminal Law/Civil Law


Robert Ray Courtney was a pharmacist with the soul of an American businessman. In his pharmacy, he systematically poured water into the chemotherapy medicines of the patients, which then sold en masse to cancer patients. For 9 long years, Robert Ray Courtney earned in this ingenious way. Through this method, he earned an amount of 19 million dollars, before being arrested in fraud case. At the same time because of the diluted drugs, at least 17 people had died (Adams, 2002).


Case background

Robert Courtney was born in 1952, in Hays, Kansas. He was a former pharmacist. He was the owner of the Research Medical Tower Pharmacy. He was also responsible for the operation of activities at the Pharmacy. The Pharmacy was located in Kansas City, Missouri. He was sentenced for 30 years in prison, due to fraud in dealing with his patients by giving them diluted drugs, in order to earn more. The case involved a doctor named Hunter (Adams, 2002). She knew the fact that chemotherapy patients would normally loose hairs and would also have side effects, yet her patients, who were getting the medicines from Courtney's pharmacy showed no such signs. This made her think of the fact that whether or not her patients were getting the right medicines for the treatment. Therefore, in order to find the answer to this question, Dr. Hunter decided to test the drugs that Courtney's pharmacy was selling. She asked Ashley's drug to help in this matter, but could not get the assistance she was expecting. She eventually found a laboratory that was ready to help her in testing the chemotherapy agents. The results came out, which were exactly the same to what Dr. Hunter was thinking. As soon as the results came out, Dr. Hunter called ...
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