Crime And Criminal Behavior

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Crime and Criminal Behavior


In this study, we try to explore the concept of “Crime and Criminal Behavior” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Crime and Criminal Behavior” and its relation with different cultures. The research also analyzes many aspects of criminal behavior and tries to gauge its effect on different cultures. Finally, the research describes various factors which are responsible for crime and criminal behavior and tries to describe the overall effect of “Criminal Behavior” on different cultures.

Crime and Criminal Behavior


Crime is an illegal activity that has, its impact on the surrounding and every one in that surrounding are affected by it. However, directly to a victim of crime or indirectly through societal and economic costs. It is possible implement change in the factors and tries to eliminate some of the behaviors by understanding them, but it could not always certainly lead to diminish the disgraceful behavior.

An element of struggle going on a daily basis that unobserved by numerous people. The struggle has the link among risk youth and social environmental factors with the intention of encouraging criminality. When people demoralized via environmental factors, like status, lifestyle etc; limitation positioned on the future of the youth. Accomplishing an improved lifestyle with the state-of-the-Art structure is hypothetical be unattainable. Though, the few who reached the top and attain all these lifestyles via some talent may also have an element of criminal behavior. Taking an example of athletes or music performer on numerous occasions alleged with drugs, assault, domestic violence etc. Criminal behavior is one of the elements that once it implanted, it is impossible to get out of it (Whittinger, 2006).

In modern societies, diversity of standards and their rapid changes may appear arbitrary and are not easily met. Individualism leads to more independent, and sometimes, immoral behavior.  Criminal behaviors are not they those "labeled" immoral by individuals or groups of individuals having the power to impose their standards (the "moral entrepreneurs," according to (Farrington, 2003). Yet, individuals with immoral behavior do not suspect that they violate socially accepted standards. There have been constant debates between criminologist and various other people involved within the profession that someone's biological factors could influence them to commit crime or equally their environmental conditions are the major influence on them committing crime.


Criminal behaviors can be gauged by certain indicators like:

The suicide rate (if you consider that suicide is an immoral act). 

Divorce rates (if we consider that living together without being married or divorced is deviant).

Crime rates (considering that crime is deviant)

The proportion of drug users (considering that drug use is detrimental to individual as well as society).


The growth of incivility, crime, etc. would mean an increase in Criminal behavior. However, these facts do not draw more attention from society (and of justice, police) to certain immoral behaviors (rape, pedophilia, for example). The weakness of the religious practices is also a sign of immoral behavior (Sklar, 2005).  


Since the 1960s, the United States has sought to measure the crime ...
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