Corporate Strategy: Developing And Implementing Internal And External Communication Strategies

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Corporate Strategy: Developing and Implementing Internal and External communication Strategies

Table of Contents



2.Theories of Communication2

2.1 Lasswell's Model3

2.2 Shannon & Weaver's Model3

2.3 Schramm's Model3

2.4 The Westley-MacLean Model4

2.5 Kincaids's Convergence4

3.Types of Communication4

3.1 Top down6

3.2 Multi-Flow6

3.3 Involvement7

3.4 Upward7

3.5 Sideways7

3.6 Effectiveness8

4.Strategic Communication8

5.Developing Internal and External Communication Strategies11

6.Internal Communication13

7.Creating Internal Communication Plan15

8.Important Elements of Internal Communication15

9.External Communication Plan16

9.1 Grass Root Marketing Plan17

9.1.1 News Conferences17

9.1.2 Scripted Communication17

9.2. Social Media Marketing and Public Relations18

9.2.1 Social Marketing18

9.2.2 Public Relations18

10. Conclusion19



Business communication is the information and ideas exchange process that takes place in an organizational setting. Theories of communication exist in history for a very long time. Aristotle first addressed the communication problems later several theories kept on improving the understanding the art of communication. These include Lasswell's Model, Shannon & Weaver's Model, Schramm's Model, The Westley-MacLean model, and Kincaids's Convergence. The communication is used in several situation and several forms. It can differ in formality, nature, and form. The formal communication is the written and structured form of communication. It is done in professional relation and legal relations. The documents are formal prove of happening in the organizations. These documents can be presented in the courts later so the internal communication must be properly handled in normal days and during crisis to avoid any bad name to the company which shakes the trust of stakeholders (Mitchell, Koen, & Galle, 2009).The nature of information refers to the persuasive, informative, directive, objective, subjective etc. The form of communication means written, oral, verbal, and electronic. The communication is a part of corporate culture and several types of communication patterns in organizations, top to bottom, bottom to top, sideways, multi-flow, and involvement. Strategic Communication is communication aligned with the company's overall strategy, to enhance its strategic positioning (Paul, 2009). It acts as the means, to achieve and march towards long term objectives by giving coherent and complimentary messages. The external communication strategy is crucial for the survival and growth of the company. Many external stakeholders require knowing, what is going on in the company. The beauty of communication is that it is always two ways. Every one's point of view is important. The successful internal communication strategy is always tailored to the needs of individual corporate needs. The internal and external communication channels are multiple, firms need to decide which channels are preferred by their target audience and evaluate them in terms of accuracy, effectiveness and affordability. Developing a strategic communication plan starts with the research and it is a continuous process.

Corporate Strategy: Developing and Implementing Internal and External communication Strategies


Communication is the transfer of meaning. Organizations communicate in a number of ways with different parties internally and externally through various channels to operate and grow profitabily. A subject of great interest to strategy scholars and managers nowadays is the strategy as a social practice and communication as social activity within organizations (Marchiori, & Bulgacov, 2012). This paper discusses the development and implementation of strategic communication. In order to understand the importance and steps of development, the theories of communication are needed ...
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