Corporal Punishment

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Corporal Punishment


The method of punishing children's as a mean of their character building and teaching then discipline is as old as human history. But now, in the 20th century, schools in UK and Europe have been restricted to use any method of corporal punishment that might give any kind of harm to the children. The implementation of this law took time. Most of the states implemented this law by the year 1967 while some of the remaining schools implemented this law by 1998. The reason to give birth to such a law was the increase in the death cases of children's due to only any kind of punishment which their elders were giving.


Corporal punishment and children's right

As the world have been developing economically, socially and also ethically, so is the government of developing countries are ensuring the rights of their every citizen. Regardless the current situation of rights of children's, in early days, parents and guardian of children's use to adopt some physical torturing methods ion order to punish their children's for any wrong doing or to teach them discipline. This resulted in some physical and mental damages to the children's. But this was rare to be seen, but with the passage of time, this assault on children's increased as a result of which some cases of children's death were also report. This led to the creation of children's right. The corporal punishment, on the other hand, is a practice that is completely against the children's right and fully disobeys this act. many physical and mental damages could have been prevented if the social workers or those who were working with effected families could told to parents that they are forbidden, by law, to harm their children's. Understanding what kind of act comes under the heading of corporal punishment is very important to avoid those acts. Corporal punishment as described by United Nations Committee (2006) on the Rights of the Child is, punishment in which any adult uses physical force with the intention to cause harm or pain, even in very light density, that involves hitting which includes spanking, slapping or smacking children with hand or with any other object like stick, belt, wooden spoon or shoe etc. Acts like shaking, kicking, pinching, throwing children, pulling hairs, forcing children to stay in any uncomfortable place or position, burning, scratching or forcing to ingest any object like soap for washing mouth or forcing to swallow hot spices. Approaching corporal punishment from a rights perspective is very much helpful as this will prohibit those schools, families or states that are not following this law and they could be punished accordingly in the light of children's right.

In Europe and United Kingdom, many cases were reported in the early days where many children's ran from their home because of adult's abuse on them and were then taken by social service centre and they took care of those children. Some major physical and mental disability was also noticed due to some corporal ...
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