Coronary Artery Disease

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Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease

What is coronary artery disease (CAD)?

The coronary artery disease is a type of heart disease. Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. When these arteries become clogged with fatty deposits called plaque is called coronary artery disease (CAD), sometimes also known as coronary heart disease (ECC.) Blockages in the arteries can prevent the heart from getting enough blood and oxygen can also cause chest pain (angina pectoris.) (Trikalinos 2009) If blood clots form, they may suddenly stop blood flow in arteries and cause a heart attack. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the cardio-vascular diseases and ischemic heart disease is also (CCI) called. In the CHD constrict the blood vessels surrounding the heart (coronary arteries) and that provide oxygen and nutrients. The heart muscle is no longer sufficient blood supply. It can cause a heart attack come (myocardial infarction). In Germany and other industrialized nations include coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases among the most common causes of death. In 2006 about 144 000 men died for us and women in coronary artery disease. People 70 and older are more of a disease that affects people younger than age groups.

The plaque in the arteries through the years by a process called atherosclerosis. Too much cholesterol in the blood is one cause of this plaque in the arteries. As plaque builds up, the artery opening gradually narrows and then blocked. The artery can also become less elastic (this is called "hardening of the arteries"). Once the diagnosis of established or suspected coronary artery disease and without severity is still not specified, it is necessary to use additional tests. This brochure presents the diagnostic procedures that your doctor may use. He has to choose among the full range of opportunities available, what consideration should be applied in each particular case.

This booklet does not pretend to answer all your questions. It can not and should not replace discussions with your doctor. If after reading this brochure, questions or unclear points remain talk to your doctor.

The Heart And Its Blood Supply

The heart is a muscular pump power. It provides organs of oxygen and nutrients. It is the blood that serves as a means of transport. To accomplish this great work the pump, the heart is constantly irrigated by coronary arteries that supply blood needed for oxygenation (Stone 2007).

The human heart has three main coronary arteries: right coronary artery, normally supplying blood flow to the posterior wall, and a left coronary artery, which gives little after leaving the aorta two important ramifications: the anterior that supplies blood to the anterior wall of the heart, the circumflex and to the side wall. Countless small arteries from these main trunks, and they travel and supply the heart muscle in a dense and thin


The degree of narrowing (stenosis) arterial determines the nature and frequency of angina pectoris: if the stenosis of the coronary arteries are small, the pain will be ...
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