Consumer Rights

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CONSUMER RIGHTS Consumer governance, regulation, and ethics

Consumer governance, regulation, and ethics


The main activity of the Consumer Protection is to protect the rights of individuals and legal persons in court and help with the pre-order promotion to the rights of consumers to purchase goods (services) of good quality, the safety of their lives and health, as well as for information about goods (works, services) and producer (executor, salesperson) for creating awareness in the field of consumer protection. However, in the consumer protection it creates awareness about harm to life, health or property of consumers, violate the rights of consumers caused by the dangerous goods (works, services), and inform public authorities exercising control over the security of goods (works, services), take the necessary measures to protect consumers.

Consumer ethics deals with issues pertaining to moral behavior in consumer markets. Because consumers are an integral part of the business process, it is imperative to understand both the underlying motivations for their propensities for buying ethical products and the reasons why some engage in unethical practices, which may be helpful in curtailing many questionable practices. Consumer ethics deals with a variety of issues such as willingness to benefit from questionable actions. Consumer ethics has also been shown to be deeply intertwined with marketing ethics. Although there are inconsistencies in research findings, there are a few generalities that can be safely assumed. First, there is evidence that there are more ethically oriented consumers than those who are not.

The Regulations refer to a consumer as one acting for purposes, which are outside his trade, business or profession. This wording suggests that a person can only be a consumer if he has a trade, business or profession outside which he can act. The bizarre conclusion, to which this literal reading would lead, that at the very least those with no occupation at all are outside the Regulations, cannot seriously be expected to be maintained. It is, therefore, much more likely that the definition will be read is "outside such business, if any, as he might have.

The unfair terms, in Consumer Contract Regulations aim, to protect consumers from contracts that are unfair. These contractual regulations got formulated as a part of ensuring a smooth and lawful process. The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations' implement Council Directive 93/13 on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts. The effect of the Regulations is to create a regime, which is quite distinct, where a clause gets disputed. It will be necessary to determine its validity both against the Act and the Regulations. The coverage of the two enactments differs in the main, the Act deals with exclusion clauses in both consumer and business contracts whereas the Regulations apply solely to terms in contracts with consumers.

However, a schedule to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations gives guidelines to determine what is reasonable for protecting consumers. Account must be taken of the relative bargaining strength of the parties, whether the buyer gave any inducement such as a price reduction, whether the buyer should have ...
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