Concept Measurement, Research Design, And Data Gathering

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Concept Measurement, Research Design, and Data Gathering

Concept Measurement, Research Design, and Data Gathering

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the articles that have used measuring concept technique, the selected articles used regression analysis there is a response or dependent variable (y) may be the number of species abundance or presence-absence of a single species and explanatory or independent variable (x). The purpose is to obtain a simple function of the independent variable, which is able to describe as closely as possible the variation of the dependent variable.

For the purpose of this paper the researcher has selected two articles, the first article that has been written by LeBlond, in the article “Linear Regression 102: Stability Shelf Life Estimation Using Analysis of Covariance” the author has used one of the simplest regression technique i.e. multiple regressions. LeBlond (2011) has examined the drug's effectiveness, he has measured multiple batches of the product over a period of time that were stored in a humidity controlled chambers and temperature.

The selected article focuses on a significant case of the stability of a pharmaceutical product. Thus, our party is a categorical variable and the covariate is our shelf life. The author has discussed the stability studies that are a mature discipline in the field of Design and analysis, and such additional studies may include continuous covariates such as dose concentration, temperature, storage, or levels of fillers and other categorical variables, as well as many types of filler or packaging. These studies are called comprehensive stability studies on several factors.

Typically, these multiple responses from several parties are used to establish useful life. ANCOVA was used to determine a suitable model for the stability of the lots on hand. ANCOVA model has been selected for this study as this Regression selection procedures used to obtain the 95% confidence intervals for each party. Life estimates are often based on extrapolation of the period the storage stability of available packages.

The results presented in the article states that no evidence of track individually (p-value = 0.834). However, no evidence that individual intersections (P <0,001). Compared with the process of adopting ANCOVA Figure 2 a show that the model is appropriate SICS. Regression equation shows that the slope of about (-0, 213121% LC / month) is common for each party, but in contrast to the intersection. As in the example, the test LOF is significant (p-value = 0.0258), but Leblon ...
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