Compensation And Benefits Package Revamp Update

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Compensation and Benefits Package Revamp Update

Strayer University

HRM 517 - Human Resources Projects

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Compensation and Benefits Package Revamp Update

Issues have started appearing in the Allen & Associates human resource revamping project of employee benefits and compensation. Project has been delayed by six weeks from its planned course of actions that has leaded towards discouragement of team members from work. One of the key members is unable to cope with the projected tasks completion deadlines; additionally, notable depletion has been occurred in the budget resources for the project than expected. Based on the scenario, a memo has been sent to the team members presenting the financial situation of the project and constraints. (Memo has been enclosed in the appendix).

Recommendations to Improve Underperforming Team Member

As a team leader in this project it is very important to know the team members' strength as well as their weakness, because organizational performance improves remarkably based on teamwork efforts. There are various approaches suggested to manage the teams effectively in an organization. The primary target is to create a system that focuses on creation, gathering, organizing process, and dissemination of the knowledge essential for the global team members to execute the assigned tasks (Lane, 2004). Therefore, I will suggest that in other to improve an underperforming team member, the focus should be on the person's behavior and motivation.

Sometimes a team member will start behave in a way that suggest a) the lack of the ability to perform the assign task or b) there is some change in the person personal life that overwhelmed his/her ability to function at full capacity at work. This is where the team leader's perception, intuition, and training come into play. The name of the game is finding the root of the problem and nips it at the bud before it becomes a larger issue. The problem sometimes is that most managers and team leaders are afraid of giving an employee or team member some constructive criticism for not wanting to cause pain or embarrassment. The truth is very few people enjoy being an underperformer. If the team leader skillfully delivers some constructive criticism the employee finds the criticism easy to understand and easy to accept. Most of the time though, the employee is much less likely to have negative emotional reactions when he/she hear criticism focused on his/her behavior's rather than on his/her personality.

Employee motivation is a key component in defining the performance level of an employee. Absence of internal motivation leads towards suppressive team member participation in group tasks. Therefore, manager should focus on using external motivators that enhance improve team member performance.

The issues which are related to the difference in the values, individual choices, and other societal choices, which give rise to inter-group conflicts need to be considered by taking a holistic approach that expands the capabilities of taking effective decisions. These issues can be resolved by giving importance to the issue and taking preventive measures to resolve those issues using collaborative team management approach that ...
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