Compare And Contrast

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Compare and Contrast characters in a story

Compare and Contrast characters in a story

Thesis Statement

Women were expected to marry, and when they didn't, something suspicious was thought to be going on. The women mentioned in the stories have shown their courage by defying the society and later proving themselves right.


The story explains how Miss Emily's father rejected her suitors by standing in front of her and forcefully clutching a horsewhip when the young men came to call. When Emily's father died the women of the town called on her to offer their condolences and aid as was their custom when someone suffered a tragic loss. Emily met the ladies at the door and with no trace of emotion or grief on her face she sent them away explaining that her father was indeed alive and well.

Emily was extremely resistant to modern changes in the outside world affecting her own world because she was determined to live in the past with the ghost of her father (Friedman, 2000).

Minnie cooper in dry September

The story revolves around a rumor that a black man called Will Mayes had raped Miss Minnie Cooper a white unmarried woman in her late thirties: it had gone like a fire in dry grass the rumor, the story, whatever it was. Being Jefferson a small town, rumors fly like fire in a dry field.

The conflict is presented to us at the very beginning. The first scene of the story takes place in a barbershop where some white men are having a fiery discussion about what had allegedly happened to Minnie Cooper.

There are two main characters in the story that deserve to be commented on: Miss Minnie Cooper and McLendon.

Minnie Cooper is a maiden in her late thirties whose reputation is questionable. By describing her, Faulkner shows ...
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