Company Law Act

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Company Law Act

Company Law Act

Question 3

Creating a business associated with the creation of the corporation. Corporation artificial legal entity created by law and, thus, the rights and obligations which must be adhered to by law. There are two different types of corporations. In the case of David, Eleanor, Frank and Gina their corporation will "corporation aggregate. Corporation aggregate consists of a number of individuals who, by law, the form of one man, one person will DEFG (Boatcraft) Limited. Corporation aggregate can be divided into three different types of companies, chartered companies, charter companies and listed companies.

DEFG fall under the category of registered companies and are formed under the relevant laws of the company, now the Companies Act 1985.

Four friends want their company will be limited and, consequently, their company will be a private company.

Promoting the company is connected with the adoption of measures necessary for registration. The promotion of small private companies, usually, though not exclusively, by the owner or owners of pre-incorporated businesses (

Application for registration of the corporation includes filing certain documents with the Registrar of Companies. Documents required for registration are listed in Article 10 of the Act. Memorandum and Articles are the documents that make up the constitution of the company. Statement gives the address of the registered office of the company and details of the first directors of the company and the secretary must be filed together with the statutory declaration of compliance, which allows the registrar to know all the requirements of the 1985 Act have been met. Fee of £ 20 is also required as a registration fee.

If the Registrar is satisfied that the legal requirements have been met, it shall record the documents and issues a certificate of registration.

Company name must be stated in his memorandum. Name chosen should be one that already exists in the index of registered names of the company. Friends want their company is known as DEFG (Boatcraft) Limited. Accommodation Limited or Ltd after the company name is the requirement that a private company.

Quadruple the desire to be the only members of the corporation and only managers, it includes a number of responsibilities and roles. The company must have the required number of directors and secretary. It is important to determine the status of persons involved in the creation of the company due to various duties owed by the promoters and personal liability that may arise. The term promoter is not defined in the CA However, some attempt was made to determine the courts in cases of Twycross V Grant and Whaley Bridge Printing Co V Green. Their duty is to "exercise reasonable care and skill in performing their duties" (Griffin, Company Law, Company Formation, p. 33)

The relationship between the founder and the company is a trustee. The relationship between the founder and the company is a trustee. Each of the promoters are required to disclose any profits derived by the operations carried out on behalf of the company. In case the promoter is selling his property ...
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