Community Servicing And Its Importance For Learning For Students

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Community servicing and its importance for learning for students


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Community Servicing” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “how social patterns tend to impose responsibility upon each and every individual that lives and resides in a society” and its relation with “the people and their moral and mental grooming and development which improves and grows with their participation in the improvement of the community”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “the learning and teaching extended to students in educational institutions” and tries to gauge its effect on “how they grow up to strong, constructive, yet firm individuals in the society and contribute their skills and traits towards the development of the society respectively”

Table of Contents

Community servicing and its importance for learning for students


In order to bring any changes in a society, involvement is extremely important because it is only due to the people, the residents of the society, or the community, who can make relevant changes in the community. People residing in the society do not resist change, they resist being changed; this is one particular reason why companies, organizations and even governments tend to fail miserably on outstanding and constructive projects and proposals which could have given extreme benefit to the people.

With this paper, our basic motive of understanding and focal point of comprehension shall be to understand and identify the importance of community service and how does this particular discipline tend to make way for grooming young people, especially teens and young boys and girls, who can become the future of tomorrow. In addition to this, a relationship shall be framed hypothetically to analyze how can students' learning be molded and transformed which shall aim towards creating more awareness and knowledge regarding service that is bound for us to display and perform for the overall well-being of the community (Mulroy, 2004).

Our study presents the voices of those who have been awarded institutional funding to connect their research and scholarly products to the community's needs. Guiding questions include:

What effect does funding have on recipients' understanding of their professional roles aimed toward community engagement?

What challenges are associated with their community engaged projects?

How does the receipt of these grants influence their scholarly work and experiences of producing that work?

What are their perceptions of the benefits that accrue to their community partners?

To what extent do they view their work as valued in light of the current culture of institutional rewards?

What are the implications of these nascent understandings for institutions that are pondering or have already committed to using institutional dollars to support engaged scholarship?

Learning: A never-ending process

Teaching and Learning shall help us mould the future of tomorrow, which shall help us identify the purpose and objective of making significant amends and also help us identify the leaders of tomorrow, who shall keenly display and portray effective traits of leadership respectively. Today more than ever, the concept of leadership takes effect ...
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