Communication And Scholarship

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Communication and Scholarship

Cultural Differences Can Have a Significant Impact on Nonverbal Communication



Nonverbal communication is the communication that includes all aspects of a communicative exchange which is not purely semantic level of the message, which is the literal meaning of words in the message itself, but about body language, that is the spoken communication between people.

Thesis Statement: The world of communication is so immense that it comes with a lot of space taken up linguistics, which makes a difference in nonverbal communication based on different cultures. Also, nonverbal communication is affected by the difference in status and power. It has been observed that humans communicate through gestures and other kinesics, using nonverbal communication. Further, the functions of management, planning, organization, direction and control are accomplished through communication.

The following essay presents a thorough understanding of nonverbal communication and an argument that it is affected by status and gender. In this context, the essay discusses the cultural impact on nonverbal communication, difference in Status, Social Cues, and Nonverbal communication in organizations.

Cultural Impact on Nonverbal Communication

The world of communication is so immense that it comes with a lot of space taken up linguistics (Andersen 1998, pp. 10-34). There are so many variables to consider, is so wide world of meanings shared by the speakers who have grown up and live in a culture that the explanation of the least communicative exchange requires diving into a sum of linguistic concepts, psychological, sociological, semiotic, and cultural. It is true that human beings over time acquired thousands of types of forms of communication, at first it made orally, as it was the most accessible means of communicating ideas or thoughts. With the passage of time began to take shaped different types of nonverbal communication, and hence arises the famous phrase "a gesture is worth a thousand words”.

Difference in Status

Nonverbal communication is also affected by the difference in status and power since a higher-status person is expected to perform in a well organized way, while a lower status person is expected to a dishonorable way. Therefore, nonverbal communication can create barriers between people of differential status because of conflicting expectations because a person of high status expects everyone to perform in the same way, which cannot be possible and vice versa.

Social Cues

Experts and communication scholars say more than 50% of humans communicate through gestures and other gestures, using nonverbal communication. Such conclusions are somewhat ...
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