Code Switching/Referencing Spanglish And Bilingualism

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Code Switching/Referencing Spanglish and Bilingualism

Table of Contents



Thesis Statement4



Code Switching6

Types of Code Switching6


Birth of Spanglish9

Features of Spanglish10


Analyzing the Transfer14

Analysis of Interference Investigated14

Mixing the concept language15

Degree of Social Integration17




In recent years, the distinction and the concepts of 'borrowing and code-switching' have resulted in distinct characterizations. One of the Causes of This controversy Theoretical linguistic and sociolinguistic behaviors in this regards is that they do not always feature in the communities where speeches are analyzed. The intense and permanent contact linguistic situation in the metropolitan areas allowed the research of this paper to form the state of analysis and describe its interference. Borrowing and code- switching phenomena are produced in everyday life where verbal interactions exist as it allows us to distinguish different processes as interference and borrowing on one hand and code- switching on the other. The Interference continuum is borrowing based on established different degrees of linguistic and grammatical phonological integration, social integration-and- frequency of use, homogeneity, and acceptability. This study has been carried out to differentiate between bilingual borrowing and code switching about isolated lexical items. Given the genetic affinity of the languages in contact, the variations in model specific grammar adopted by the incorporated items, combine both the sociolinguistic and pragmatic criteria. The result of this study suggested that spanglish borrowing proves to be as the most frequent phenomenon. However, code switching took common discursive modality.


The alternation of codes or code switching is one of the most common in bilingual communities. In recent years, research on language contact phenomena has tried to define the terms "borrowing versus code switching" which resulted in different characterizations (Chappell, 2007, pp. 253). One reason that makes this theoretical controversy is that not always the same linguistic and extra linguistic factors of bilingual communities are analyzed. The situation of intense language contact and stability in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain) to analyze and transcribe the interference, borrowings and code changes that occur in everyday verbal interaction differentiated as distinct processes of interference and the loan of a hand, and changing the other code.

The "continuum" interference is established from different levels of the linguistic-phonological and grammatical and social integration, frequency of use, uniformity, and acceptability, to the distinction between borrowing and code change lexical isolated, given the genetic affinity, the model language-specific grammar adapting the embedded-element combined with sociolinguistic and pragmatic criteria (Chappell, 2007, pp. 253).

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement for this study is “Impact of code switching on bilingualism: a context in Spanglish”.


The aim of this paper is to describe the interference and code changes that occur in communities. For such analysis, the construction of the paper will use a linguistic corpus with speech samples for two record types: one, speaking casual, spontaneous (Vernacular, colloquial conversations), and another formed by interactions, which are more connected with verbal context that are semi structured in formal communication situations.


The analysis of this corpus offers a range of linguistic phenomena result of the contact situation checking the one hand that the bilingualism promotes stable social transfers and, secondly, that ...
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