Classroom Management

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Classroom Management

Classroom Management


When dealing with classroom management it is imperative to reflect on the level and type of education being taught. Elementary school students behave in a different way than high school students, and gifted students differently than excellent students. For many teachers, misbehavior is the most difficult problem to deal with. It disrupts their lesson plans along with other students' learning. In Synergetic Discipline, C. M. Charles explains some reasons why students misbehave in the classroom. Some students like to see how far they can push and what they can get away with. Others like to mimic each other, especially when it involves disapproved behavior. Most students crave attention and if necessary, they will misbehave to get it. Few students are egocentric and believe anything they do is all right, including retaliation when they don't get their way. All these behaviors can be eliminated, modified, or avoided in the classroom using Metalitronics.


For this essay I will focus on my system classroom management in secondary classrooms. First, I will explain what Metalitronics (my personal system) entails; second, I will back up my claims with theories and theorists; and third, I will show how my system will be implemented into classroom situations.

Metalitronics is my personal system for classroom management, which is a conglomeration of several theories, but is most rooted in the theory of preventive management. I strive for my management system to be as inconspicuous as possible toward creating a safe, appealing and challenging space for students, while also being as flexible as possible. My own teaching style tends to be more laidback, however, I am good at initiating person to person contact with students and I make it a point to treat them with respect, because I expect that they do the same. Metalitronics also calls for a development of a wide-ranging curriculum that brings out student interest and participation, while still continuing to be flexible enough to be used with different learning styles.

Avoiding, or preventing disruptions is one of the primary goals in my classroom management plan; there are several aspects of classroom management that reduce the chances of misbehavior. In the book, The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline, Marilyn Gootman explains her plan of organization to evade discipline problems. By organizing their space and scheduling their time, the students will know where things belong and what to they are supposed to do. She explains if students know where things belong, they will, in turn, put them there. When they know what to do, they will be more likely to do it. By developing a daily routine, the students get to fortify the suitable behavior on a day to day basis. Classroom meetings can also set the stage for cooperative learning groups to be used and for the discussion of classroom policies and regulations. The policies and regulations should be laid out by the teacher at the beginning of the semester or year. If the students are mature enough to do so, the development of class rules should be ...
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