Church Discipline It's Biblical Basis And Historical Practice

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Church discipline it's biblical basis and historical practice

Church discipline it's biblical basis and historical practice

"Anthropologists tell us that there are three things that distinguish humanity from other animals - religion, the use of abstract language and the making of tools." (Pick One, p.13) Religion has been one of the most commanding and compelling elements in the lives of human beings since the dawn of our existence, whatever and whenever it may have been. In every society at any time in our history we have established some kind of faith or belief system in order to satisfy our need and desire to have answers and explanations to some of the most fundamental and prevalent questions and inquiries concerning life, death, and the supernatural or sacred, with entities such as one often referred to as God. (Bannerman 1991)

"The university of religion (in the broadest sense) suggests that it corresponds to some deep and probably inescapable human need. People instinctively sense a need for moral order." (Pick One, p.13) Also, and more particularly "the Dictionary of Philosophy (Runes, 1967) suggests that religion fulfills a separate, innate category of the human consciousness that issues certain insights and indisputable certainties, about a Superhuman Presence." Religion having such a fervent influence and control over large masses of people has always had great impact on the way societies and cultures act, the way leaders and governments rule and the way in which we as a people think and see ideas and events unravel in our world and universe. "Sociologists suggest that religion is the strongest means by which the lives of individuals fuse to form a cohesive society. (Macionis, 1989)"

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three of the most popular religions across the World, including North America. More specifically, there are 2 billion Christians, 1.2 billion Muslims and close to 15 million Jews on this earth. (National Geographic, p.96) All have similarities and relations in a number of aspects. "All believe in one Supreme Creator God. In contrast to the Indian religions, they believe that each person lives only one earthly life; they regard the material universe positively, hold a linear view of time, and believe in divine judgment of the world. (Apostolic Succession 2001)

Christianity and Islam have been two of the great missionary religions of the world." (Religions of the World: Sixth Edition, p.13) They each originated in the Middle East and are also known as the Abrahamic faiths due to their shared connection with the widely known personage of Abraham, Ibrahim as Muslims call him or Abram in Hebrew. In fact all three religions, which account for more than half of humanity, contain other prophets or messiahs such as Adam, Jesus, Moses and other similar genealogy. It is possible to see the interconnectedness and also the disjointedness shared by these three major religions by examining the similarities and dissimilarities of: some of their major historical events and accounts, some of their beliefs contained in sacred texts and writings, and some of their holy prayers and ...
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