Chartered Accountancy

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Chartered Accountancy


Chartered Accountancy


Swot analysis of an important tool to review the overall strategic position within the company and its environment.Once one has identified key strategic issues, and their operational objectives, particularly marketing objectives are. Swot analysis can be related to other instruments for review and analysis, including review and analysis of waste Five Forces Porter has been used. There is also a popular tool among students in business and marketing it as a quick and easy to learn.

Fundamental difference between internal and external challenges are; Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. For example, resistance may be a specialist marketing expertise. It can be twice as lack of a new product.

Opportunities and threats are external factors. For example, the probability of developing distribution channels including the Internet, or changing lifestyles of consumers that can demand for products increases. Can be a threat of a new competitor in the important markets and technological change that makes existing products potentially be obsolete.

It is interesting to note that the analysis can be very subjective agony - rarely two versions of the same analysis was agony, though giving the same information about your company and the environment. Accordingly, it is better to use swot analysis as a guide and not prescripttion. In addition to the criteria weights each factor increases the validity of this analysis. Weakness 1. Unique training programs:

Although the reason for a professional back in California is very healthy, and part of the training is not good, except some of the metro / major cities. In metro cities, too, does each student with the same quality of education through articleship have not received.

I mean that in comparison with the studied system, and training system is not perfect. One big difference between training for students in Mumbai there, and after ...
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