Character Of The 21st Century

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Character of the 21st Century

Character of the 21st Century


Due to rapid changes in the environment it is often difficult to predict the situation of the world in coming years. People have today reached the height of luxury upgrading from the days of their very stone-age and cave age. Countries have become interdependent, lack of sufficient resources have made it difficult for people to have access of the basic necessities of their life. This has resulted in increased globalization, and has raised the need for countries to develop good relations with other nations. America has been a nation with great power however with now many other nations are emerging that have achieved tremendous economic growth in a short time and continue to do so, such as China. United States has been the largest economy since 1900, but the threat to this nation will be faced from China in 2025, as the output of the nation is expected to exceed America's economic output. It is difficult to state the situation of the world in the coming years, it is however expected to be more chaotic and war-prone with increasing terrorism and also depleting of basic resources those may include; oil, water and others people will be fighting for it.

Thesis Statement:

“With changes in environment it is difficult to predict the situation of the world in the 21st Century; however it is more likely to be a chaotic and war-prone than peaceful, with nations competing to become the world power”.


End of American Era

China being and emerging power has become threatening for United States, believing that China is alike all other great powers that had controlled the world for quite a long time including America the country will try to increase its powers by focusing on its vital interests. As the nation will grow it will try to exert its influence on other nations will ensure that no other country should possess power that would enable it to exert its influence on China. China is in the process of expanding its sphere of influence. The economic growth of China is dependent on its imports of raw material specially including energy supply and export-led growth being a powerful nation China will try to ensure that no other nation should be in the position to deny to Chine from supplying resources to the nation and provide access to the markets on which their future prosperity of the economy is dependent.

As a result this situation will encourage Beijing to challenge the role of America in the Asian countries which is on its peak in the current years, which America should be expecting as it has done earlier to outsight powers from its neighborhood ever since the Monroe Doctrine. Thus, consequently China will also not be pleased with Washington maintaining a network of Asian alliances, and also having a military presence in East Asia and the Indian Ocean. America will then be struggling to figure out how to be the decisive power in the places that are ...
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