Case Study Involving Addiction

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Case Study Involving Addiction

Case Study Involving Addiction


The following paper is basically based on two different but interrelated social aspects. One is the early and middle adulthood and the other is the addiction to drugs during that adulthood. The paper is covering the different aspects of the adulthood like social, psychological, biological aspects of adulthood and at the same point focusing on these factors leading adulthood towards drug addiction. Therefore, to give a better understanding of the paper for the readers, the author highlighted the research questions on the following paper are based;

What are the different factors that lead the person from the early and middle adulthood towards the drugs addiction?

What are the preventive measures in bringing that person back to the normal life?

For the knowledge of the readers, a case scenario is present to the readers in which the main character is a girl name Katharine, who was arrested by the police by keeping illegal drugs and also during examination it was found that the girl was involved in drug abuse as well. Therefore, the author tried to highlight the different factors that lead the girls towards this type of life style and also the author recommended the preventive measures that might help her in gaining the strength to overcome the drug addiction problem.


To start with the background, different factors are highlighted in this section, which might lead the Katharine's behavior towards the drug addiction. An important point that need to be mentioned here that the author covered the adolescence and the early adulthood of Katharine. Factors related to the genesis of drugs have been grouped into three categories: personal factors, environmental influences and environmental influences next.

Personal factors

It has considered the existence of a number of personality traits that make them more vulnerable to the subjects to start and get to psychoactive substance abuse. The personality traits basically based on: social nonconformity, low motivation for academic achievement, independence, rebellion, tendency to search for new sensations and intense, tolerance of deviance, early antisocial tendencies. There exists a "personality" of drug addicts own generally does say that individuals with problems of socialization, with a low threshold for frustration, failure and pain, seeking instant gratification, with no behavioral skills to cope the problems of life and the demands of society, i.e. delayed in their personal development, are people clearly identifiable as "high risk." Youth with social withdrawal, with deficits in social skills can use e.g. alcohol or other drugs to disinherit behavior in a social gathering, which is the first step to a dependency. Similarly, young impressionable are most vulnerable when significant others around them use alcohol or other drugs. Depression, social isolation has been proposed as variables potentially associated with drug use (Canales, 2007).

Factors surroundings (environmental)

Each girl has a social and interpersonal environment that is unique and includes parents, siblings, peers and other adults important to their life and development. In the family context, it can be given certain circumstances and factors that favor the approach of youth drug ...
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