Case Studies

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Case Studies

Case Studies

Analysis of Case Study 1

A. Provide a thorough assessment of the couple and identify information that should be obtained to complete the assessment. Identify how the information will be attained.

The case based on the Mr. and Ms. Law can better be resolved through the adoption of right Conflict and Interpersonal Management Strategies. Similarly, the Family Therapy (Family Counseling) can be adopted to resolve the intimate issues of Mr. and Ms. Law. Family counseling is also called family therapy. It is a branch of psychotherapy which deals with families and couples in intimate relationships to develop and groom the relation. The intention of family counseling is to capture change in terms of the systems of communication among the family members. The relationships are recognized as the important factor in psychological health.

B. Provide a conceptualization of the couple's issues and a diagnosis.

There is different school of thoughts regarding family counseling. One thing is common among all that either the issue is with individual or with family; involving families in the issue are beneficial. The role of the family counselor is very important because he should have the ability to influence individual or groups from his conversations. The approach of family counseling has been used in a variety of human dilemmas. There is no relationship in which the approach of counseling could not work effectively (Sexton, 2002).

Similarly, Mr. and Ms. Law can adopt the effective conflict management strategies to solve their interpersonal and intimate issues. It is the responsibility of the Ms. Law to fulfill the sexual desires of the Mr. Law. The case shows that the when Mr. Law came home from work, Ms. Law confronted him angrily, telling him she had evidence of his affair and asking for a divorce. Ms. Law did not tell her husband about the letter. Mr. Law called his wife crazy and withdrew. Ms. Law persisted until he exploded and walked out of the house. Therefore, this reaction of the Ms. Law is highly inappropriate and can lead to massive destruction. The interpersonal and intimate conflict management strategy suggests that the Mr. and Ms. Law must resolve the sexual relationship issues with the mutual effort. It is highly advisable for the sustainable relationship.

C. Provide a plan for treating the couple, including the description of at least one treatment exercise or technique appropriate for the couple.

The conflict management strategies which could be adopted by the Mr. ...
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