Yes, the moderator was a sensible person as he had a group discussion in a comfortable environment with the students discussing all the problems that they were facing. He even asked them the suggestions and new ideas in order to sort out the problems. He taped that group discussion to review all the problems as well as the relevant recommendations.
Answer No.2
Yes, it was a wise decision to discuss the issues with both graduate and undergraduate students, because undergraduate students could explain their problem and the graduate students were suggest appropriate solutions as they were more experienced. During the discussion where undergraduate students were discussing their problems, there graduate students were present who were giving suitable solutions for those problems with their past experience and the time they had in the school.
Answer No.3.
Analyses of the Focus Group Transcript
The students actively participated in the group discussion. They shared all the problems they were facing in their computer lab. They even suggest ideas in order to overcome those problems.
List of Problems
The people, who were using the computer, did not even know how to use it. They were not aware of the viruses, and once when they found virus on the computer they just left it without scanning.
The people who were there to monitor the problems were totally ignorant. They were not able to solve the relevant problems of the students. They even did not know how to handle the network and were not acknowledged about the software.
There were many users in the lab that it took too much time get onto a Windows machine; you and WordPerfect machines that just had the keyboard entries. This was due to the very few computers and a many users especially in the peak. The people ...