Career Mapping

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Career Mapping

Career Mapping


Jobs come and go but those people who know what is best for them and are best at what they do are recognized for their knowledge and skills and they are also treasure forever. Therefore in order to get treasured for life, it is important for a person to be on the right career track coupled with appropriate knowledge and skills (Ibarra, 2003, 78). A person can be on right career track by mapping his/her career. Career mapping include detailed information to facilitate choice but it depends on the talent of an individual and needs of the organization. Career mapping is essential for both individuals and organizations. Career pathing or career mapping is a significant way to grow individual's talent (Strenger, 2008, 82). Career mapping provides an individual with clear roadmap that outlines where an individual want to be. Therefore in this paper I am going to discuss what characteristics I am going to consider when mapping my career. I have planned to develop my career in Human Resource management. The purpose of this is to let readers know about the importance of career mapping in getting on the right career track and how it helps a person in leading a successful life. In order to collect information I conducted a secondary research by reading the articles from the online journals and libraries.

I am majoring in Human resource management. Upon graduation, my instant goal is to find a good job where I can be able to learn as much as I can. I want to get exposure to broad range of business areas. After graduation is time to build base of your career thus I want to build the base of my career with experience and lots of knowledge. Like others I also have short term and long term goals. Achieving my short term goals will boost me to achieve my Long term goals. My short terms goals are free from salary and geographical constraints. In mid of my career I will focus on getting a challenging but a secure job. My ultimate goal is to get on the top of the corporate ladder. I want to be CEO of a well known corporation.

It is very important for the person to understand the field and the work in the field in which they want to career. For the person who is making career in human resource field it is important to first understand the work of human resource professionals. The human resource field is advanced and beyond its early clerical functions of managing employees, recruiting, interview and hiring new employees for the company. Recently, the professionals of human resource work with the top executives of the organization in doing strategic planning (Ulrich, 1996, 7). They use their expertise to plan and change the policies which can have good impact on the workforce of the organization. Now day's senior management have recognized the significance of the human resource department to the bottom line (Campion, 2011, ...
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