Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment


The capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the killing of a person ordered by a court following a conviction. There are countries where it is expected the capital punishment for crimes considered serious, like murder and treason, while others, where you can feel the capital punishment only for murder, but also for the execution of other violent crimes, such as robbery and / or rape, to which the crimes of opinion apostasy or linked to drug trafficking.

History of the Capital Punishment

The capital punishment, initially an extension of war, or revenge legalized, was present in all systems of old. The Roman law, for example, provided for the capital punishment, but for the Roman citizens granted a special guarantee: a death sentence issued on the basis of “imperium” the magistrate could not be done without giving the offender the right to appeal to Centuriata rallies through the institution of provocation to appeal to the people. Cicero that, from the console, during the Conspiracy of Catiline, had run death sentences without granting to the provocation to appeal to the people was exiled after the Lex Clodia (Stolzenberg & D'Alessio, 2004). Throughout history, limited the capital punishment, and some Chinese emperors, in Russia, a brief abolition (or rather a strong limitation) occurred in 1753 through the efforts of Empress Elizabeth I. If you consider the abolition of "de facto" abolitionist state is instead the oldest Republic of San Marino, which still exists today: the last official execution dates back to 1468, while the final abolition was established by law in 1865. The first state in the world, to legally abolish the capital punishment for all crimes was the Grand Duchy of Tuscany on 30 November 1786 with the enactment of the new penal code Tuscany signed by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold, influenced by the ideas of thinkers like Cesare Beccaria, that day is a regional Tuscany. However, Leopold in 1790 put them back the capital punishment for so-called exceptional crimes. They followed the Grand Duchy the Roman Republic of inspiration Mazzini (which however was short existence) in 1849, the noted San Marino (1865) and others. L ' Italy abolished the except crimes of war and regicide, in 1889, and then reinsert it with the code of 1930 and abolish it for good in 1948. The United Kingdom abolished in the sixties, while the French in 1981 (Markman, 2009).

Another important chapter in the history of the capital punishment is written on 18 December 2007, when, after a twenty-year campaign carried out by the association Hands Off Cain and the Transnational Radical Party, from Amnesty International and the Community of Sant Egidio, the UN passes a historic resolution on the initiative of Italian for the universal moratorium on the capital punishment, i.e. suspension of international capital punishments.

Capital Punishment Arguments

Today more than ever we talk about the death penalty as a punishment to be imposed as a punishment or to delete. Some argue that the Capital punishment is necessary, because ...
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