Byresteads Farm Shop

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Byresteads Farm Shop

Byresteads Farm Shop

In this assignment, we are going to find and analyze the target market for Byresteads farm shop along with an analysis of packaging, product names, and product range, price and marketing communications and place.

Task II-A

The Byresteads Farm Shop possesses good data about the market and understands a large deal about the widespread attributes of the most valued and trusted customers. The Byresteads Farm Shop will leverage this data to better realise who is assisted, their exact desires, and how The Byresteads Farm Shop can better produce excellent food quality to them. (Arons and Waalewijn 2008 203)

Suitable Target Market for the Company

Following is a suitable target market for the company:


Eugene with a community of 130,000 people.

People who love to have dairy products including young, adult and old ones.


Male and Female.

Ages 5-55.

College or graduate education.

Behaviour Factors

Enjoys eating for the sake of glimpsing new things and gathering people.

Tend to use Food Groups when travelling rather than of hotels.

Enjoy repasts at bistros one time a week.

Ways to Reach the Target Market

There are several ways to reach the target market. These ways include the advertisement. In order to reach the target customers, advertisement plays a huge role. The advertisement can be in any form like the electronic media, print media and bill boards.

The Byresteads Farm Shop presents its customers with a attractive, homeland setting Eastern Snacks. The Byresteads Farm Shop hunts for to fulfil the following advantages that are significant to their customers:

Selection: The Byresteads Farm Shop has some distinct rooms, each with its own exclusive, breathtaking outlook of the rural areas, some opposite the Food Group's vineyard.

Accessibility: The Food Group is established within 10 minutes of Eugene, supplying accessibility for persons from Eugene, travellers in the Willamette River Valley, and visitors of the University of London.

Customer Service: The customers will be influenced with the grade of vigilance that they receive.

Competitive Pricing: All rooms will be competitively cost relation to alike Food Groups. (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2003 89-92)

Target Markets

For years, Food Groups lived below the radar of the general population. When most persons went on holiday, they would are inclined to make bookings at a hotel/motel. Within the last two years, persons have started to find out Food Groups and realise the added services that they offer relation to customary accommodations.

The commerce has glimpsed an boost in residence, ...