Business Netw?Rk P?Rtf?Li?

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Business Netw?rk P?rtf?li? [Name ?f the Writer]

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Business Netw?rk P?rtf?li?

Dicken (2000) The effect ?f s?cial netw?rking relati?nships, firm-specific managerial experience, and their interacti?ns ?n perf?rmance between family ?wned and n?nfamily firms are studied. Using data fr?m 106 ?rganizati?ns in Ghana, the findings sh?w that family ?wned firms benefit m?re fr?m netw?rking relati?nships with bureaucratic ?fficials than d? n?nfamily firms. H?wever, n?nfamily firms benefit m?re fr?m netw?rking relati?nships with c?mmunity leaders and firm-specific managerial experience than d? family ?wned firms. Netw?rking relati?nships with p?liticians impede perf?rmance f?r n?nfamily firms. N?nfamily firms are better able than family ?wned firms t? use their firm-specific managerial experience t? manage the res?urces and capabilities ?btained fr?m netw?rking relati?nships with c?mmunity leaders t? create value. M?re?ver, firm-specific managerial experience attenuates the detrimental effects ?f netw?rking with p?liticians f?r b?th types ?f firms.

Acc?rding t? H?lmlund, (1997) the electrically ev?ked brainstem resp?nse (EABR) was measured in c?chlear implant users wh? had received either the Ineraid multichannel implant ?r the Nucleus multichannel implant. Alth?ugh b?th implants use a multi-electr?de array, they are different in a number ?f ways. In the Ineraid system the electr?des can be accessed directly thr?ugh a percutane?us plug and stimulati?n is generally ?n f?ur different intrac?chlear electr?des relative t? a c?mm?n gr?und ?utside the c?chlea. In the Nucleus implant stimulati?n is acc?mplished via an internal c?il and stimulati?n is bip?lar between pairs al?ng the 22 electr?de array. The ABR wavef?rms were similar f?r b?th gr?ups ?f subjects, c?nsisting ?f a series ?f 3 ?r 4 p?sitive peaks at the highest levels ?f stimulati?n. Using the n?rmal stimulati?n m?de (bip?lar f?r Nucleus and m?n?p?lar f?r Ineraid), users ?f b?th devices dem?nstrated an increase in resp?nse amplitude and a decrease in resp?nse latency with increases in current level. The thresh?ld ?f resp?nse tended t? be higher and gr?wth ?f the resp?nse with level tended t? be m?re gradual f?r Nucleus users than f?r Ineraid users. H?wever, with bip?lar stimulati?n f?r b?th implant types, when the stimulating electr?des were cl?sely spaced the thresh?ld ?f resp?nse was higher and the gr?wth ?f amplitude with level was m?re gradual than the case where the electr?des were separated further. When bip?lar stimulati?n and similar electr?de spacing was used, the resp?nse gr?wth and thresh?ld were similar f?r b?th implant types. Results fr?m neither device sh?wed a str?ng c?rrelati?n with perf?rmance ?n w?rd rec?gniti?n tests.

Tsai (1998) expl?res the relati?n between s?cial capital and entrepreneurship. We c?nstruct a measure ?f s?cial capital which inc?rp?rates indicat?rs ?f; trust (generalized and instituti?nal); ass?ciati?nal activities (passive and active membership); and civic n?rms. Self-empl?yment is used as a pr?xy f?r entrepreneurship. Bef?re empirically testing the relati?n between s?cial capital and entrepreneurship, this study reviews the literature c?ncerning the definiti?n and measurements ?f s?cial capital, the relati?nship between entrepreneurship and s?cial capital, and explanati?ns ?n h?w the different dimensi?ns ?f s?cial capital affect entrepreneurship. Results fr?m an empirical m?del which simultane?usly c?ntr?ls f?r fact?rs which are the?rized t? affect entrepreneurship at b?th individual ...
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