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Business Management

Business Management

Scope of E-Business- Case of Starbucks

Starbucks Corporation is the ranked number one in the coffee retailer. Starbucks own about 9000 coffee shops in different countries. Starbucks president and CEO Mr. Howard Shultz, follow a philosophy that a company should value its employees so that employees will value its customer. Although the first Starbucks opened in 1971 it wasn't until the 1990s that the company became the iconic coffee symbol of America. Starbucks' popularity exploded alongside a changing generation of young Americans who were on the move and connected to the world-wide-web, while yearning for bigger and better, no matter the cost. This generation quickly became known as the “Starbucks Generation” and now, a decade later; it's spilling over into a thriving China. Starbucks entered China in 1999 and has now made it their number one target for growth(Parsons, 2010, . Pp 125) .

The breakfast (breakfast only commonly called is the first meal of the day. It is very important because the body comes from approximately 8 hours of fasting and in need of rapid utilization of energy to face a new day. Breakfast has to be so abundant and rich in sugars. The typical breakfast, at home as at the bar or pastry shop, essentially made up of sweet foods (biscuits, croissants, bread with chocolate or jam, yogurt, cereal breakfast, pastries), accompanied by coffee and / or milk, cappuccino, or teas. In Greece and Turkey, using eating salty tomatoes, olives and feta cheese. Even in northern Europe in the early morning you eat salty: In Great Britain, the customary breakfast (full breakfast) consists of egg scrambled (or fried eggs), bacon, sausage, beans, tomatoes and mushrooms, the sugared version are made from milk and cereals, bread with peanut butter and jam, porridge.

Fresh or salt is accompanied by a good milk tea. In Poland, the usual breakfast consists of at least 3 courses: a first (generally a soup, milk and oats), a second consisting of fresh or aged cheese, butter, white bread and white, a "dessert" consisting of jams to spread on sweet breads.

How Internet Works

Internet is a conglomeration of computers of different type, brand and operating system, distributed throughout the world and linked through diverse communication links. The wide variety of computers and communications systems poses many problems of understanding, which are solved with the use of sophisticated communication protocols.

The first step is to achieve physical interconnection, for which many different systems are used:

Local area networks, usually based on standard Ethernet. They are the most commonly used in corporate networks of companies or organizations with less than 2 km extension(Eckersley, 2003, Pp72)

National links with lines of exclusive or shared (telephone company).

International links provided by communications company with international presence. They can use conventional cabling, fiber optics, satellites, microwave links, ...

Moreover, many users use modems to connect from home through common phone calls, communications providers are, in turn, access to the Internet. The use of ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is becoming ...
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