Building Shared Services At Rr Communications

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Building Shared Services at RR Communications

Building Shared Services at RR Communications

Answer No.1

Single customer service has the potential to lead both human resource and financial savings for RR Communications. This is done by eliminating the allocation of duplicated resources to a number of regional and divisional customer service centers. These multiple customer service centers offer valuable resources and with this the company will be able to allocate more resources its value added activities and enhance its operational effectiveness (Anderson and Sedatole, 2003).

Four divisions are run by RR Communications, each with a complimentary but distinct product. These include landline, mobile, TV and internet service. In telecommunication industry, there is observed a deregulation and its turning out to be a norm for competitors for offering several services such as RR Communications. There is no working collaboration in four divisions, double billing is complain made by RR Communications' customers and there is no way to be informed if the bill is already sent by other division. Data of the customers is consolidated by a single customer service center. This data will be about all the divisions as it addresses the problems of inaccurate billing, so it will ultimately help in saving the loss of dissatisfied customers to the competitors (Anderson and Sedatole, 2003).

By marketing the company's other services to customers, growth opportunities are also offered as they market their services to their consumers that have not offered before and announce some kind of discount for them on the purchase of multiple products. These sorts of discount and bonuses attract the consumers to purchase their products and services. A competition is settled among the different divisions of the company by a single customer service based on customer satisfaction, retention rates and product quality. So in this way, more resources could be allocated to complex divisions. It will become easy to collect data and information about company's divisions with the help of customer service center and further save them for management analysis in standard form (Arino, Reuer and Valverde, 2005).

Answer No.2

It is considered to be very important to consult all divisional presidents to take a notice of the problems and challenges they are facing by their divisions as well as their expectations to the company's IT initiative. The prospects of divisional president's cooperation can be improved by Vince Patton by focusing on the company's matters, implementing effective measures to address their concerns, removing their misunderstanding and by ...
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