Book Report On 'the Mis-Education Of The Negro' By Carter G. Woodson

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Book Report on 'The mis-education of the Negro' by Carter G. Woodson

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The book written by Woodson in 1933 highlighted the predicament of the black man in America. It showed how the black person was discriminated against and was not allowed to progress. Further, it tells of the miseducation of the Negro in USA. It shows how the self-esteem and self-respect of the black man is undermined by the white-man, the oppressor. Further, he argues that even the educated black man is not able to stand in the society as a sane man and tries to corner himself from others (especially whites). He further points out that education in America is not conducive to the development of the black man. Also, he identified as to how the black man in America ruins his earnings prospects by totally relying on the white man for employment. Still, he finds himself inept in doing a business and never becomes an entrepreneur or a businessman.

The miseducation of the Negro

Practicality and vision of the author

The author of the book is both visionary and practical. He points to the predicament of the black man in America. He shows how the black man is suppressed and oppressed in schools and colleges in the US. It has been argued that the author had brilliant foresight and was able to predict the problem of the black man that still afflicts him (Pride, 2010). The vision of Woodson is indeed deep when he is even able to predict the circumstances of the black man's education, and place in American society and workplace, even today. He can foresee the predicament of the black man when he does not get appropriate education and treatment in school.

Further, the author is very practical. He has identified the issues of the black man and his education in US that are real rather than imaginary. The practicality of the author is manifest in the outcomes of the problems afflicting the black man. When the Negro in US does not get proper education and respect as a black man in school, college and university, then he turns out to be a man who is black in character. He takes to wrongful and unlawful means, and either accepts to do menial work due to his dipped self-respect, or adopts the straightforward path of criminality and despicable conduct.

The author points out as how the mark has been missed (Woodson, 2006). Consequently, the black man is unable to earn his living in a respectable manner. He is also too feeble and lack of confidence that he fails to take any opportunities that come his way. He becomes totally oblivious to his need to generate employment for himself. Instead, he feels and becomes subjugated to the white man. Accordingly, he totally relies on the white man to provide him with employment and sustenance. He is also unable to start his own business and would expect a white man (or someone else of other ethnicity and race) to be the businessman, who employs ...