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Book Report on “The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization” by Jon R. Katze

Book Report on “The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization” by Jon R. Katze

“The Wisdom of Teams” presents Katzenbach and Smith's contention that real teams are the best approach to building a high-performance association. The authors blended together their highly comprehensive structure for team development with examples of how some corporations successfully or unsuccessfully applied these group principles. While acknowledging that teams may not be the best solution for every organization's problems, the authors unashamedly insisted that businesses do themselves a disservice by not considering the team-based approach (Katzenbach, Smith, 2006).

They focus groups as an significant part of a three part cycle premier to a high-performance organization: a) shareholders who supply opportunities, b) employees who consign value, and c) customers who generate returns. The presentation targets in the high-presentation organization are multidimensional, impacting all three cyclic contributors. groups supply genuine advantages to workers, the outcome being an influence throughout the cycle. If workers boost the worth they consign, customers will boost the return, permitting shareholders to boost the possibilities accessible to workers.

centered to the thesis is their defini! tion of team, intensifying on "a small number of persons with complementary skills who are pledged to a widespread reason, presentation goals, and approach for which they contain themselves mutually accountable." [45] The distinction is far more than semantic. Working groups who do not share all of these characteristics are not to be advised teams. "Unlike teams, employed assemblies rely on the addition of 'individual bests' for their performance. They pursue no collective work goods needing junction effort. By selecting the team route rather than of the working group, people commit to take the risks of conflict, junction work-products, and collective action essential to construct ...
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