Dr. H. Norman Wright is one of America's most prominent Christian counselors. He is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist. Dr. Wright is a graduate of Westmont College, Fuller Theological Seminary (MRE), and Pepperdine University (MA). He has numerous written best-selling books on Communication, Family and Parenting.
This book describes a variety of different topics related to crisis and trauma counseling. The causes of trauma and how to do it may increase to such a limit that it becomes hazardous for the subject as well as for the peoples surrounding him. Human mind is the most sensitive part of the body and is very sensitive to emotions and feelings. In certain cases if the subject is physically or mentally exploited then it can led the subject in to the state of intense trauma and mental dissatisfaction resulting the abnormal behavior of the subject. It has been proved from the previous observations on different number of peoples belonging to different cultures that mental crisis and trauma can lead to the destruction of many family and homes. The most critical situations that arise commonly among the partners in a family have been critically analyzed in this book depicting the simple and easy solution for them. It is recommended that every woman should once go through this book as it describes in details the most common problems and their solutions which can prevent the crisis and trauma for a number of families based on the experience of the author. The issues and their solutions are provided with concrete evidences that the proposed solutions are best and optimal. The author uses the references from the bible defining the root causes of the issues that are common in the peoples. The world is a test concept is present artistically in this book to take suffered peoples out of trauma and mental distress.
The concepts of life and death, good and evil, heaven and hell and the concepts of anger and fear are have been discussed and their backgrounds and the common reactions of humans under stressful and heartbroken states are represented and how the people usually interact in such kind of situation that lead to further loss and destruction. The concept of permanent is not for this world. No one has to live in this world forever. Some of us spend good time while others have to suffer either because of their own faults or because of the deeds of others.
The method of counseling the suffered ones represented in this book is described in this book is worth mentioning the competency of author over trauma counseling specially the method of counseling describing the death of parents for a toddler or a teen child. The author also included the emotional responses in the form of dialogues uttered by a child during his counseling over his parents dead and mentally prepares the counselor to deal with such types of scenarios in real life that how to handle the situation in a professional way to minimize the impact ...