Assignment Two

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Assignment Two

Assignment Two

Part 1


Inappropriate action




Unprofessional verbal communication

Inappropriate eye contact (non-verbal communication)

Young girls might be apprehensive regarding experiencing irregular menstrual cycles. They might expect information regarding utilization of emergency contraception, or tampons.

Eye contact that is not appropriate, in a specific stare or gaze, might even be culturally inappropriate or get misinterpreted.

(Smeltzer,, 2009, Pp. 1403; Schottke, & AAOS, 2010, Pp. 57)

(Elder, Evans & Nizette, Pp. 412.)

Cultural competence

Assessing and treating the girl in front of her mother.

Stressing on the terms associated with sexual organs.

Each adolescent has to be treated and assessed individually.

Women of any age might have concerns regarding masturbation, orgasm, sexual satisfaction and relationships.

(Antai-Otong, 2008, Pp. 116-118)

(Smeltzer,, 2009, Pp. 1403.)

Quality & safety (includes RN scope of practice)

Did not address the girl's current health condition, which included spiritual, emotional and cultural conditions.

Registered nurses address the client's ongoing health situation within the context of the person's wholeness, including biophysical, psychological, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions

(CARNA, 2005, Pp. 2)

Body language

Standing too close.

Shifted weight from one foot to another.

Cross arms (folding her arms)

This just makes people feel uncomfortable. Most people think that a little over a meter square space around your body is your personal space. Just pass this invisible boundary with friends.

Shifting weight from one foot to another shows disinterest and intense casualness.

A sign of defensive resistance. Some people may also be interpreted as a sign of selfishness. Always try to keep open arms and sides.

(Hegner,, 2009, Pp. 134)

(Wolgin, 2005, Pp. 161)

(Schottke, & AAOS, 2010, Pp. 57)

Appropriate touch

Did not touch the client to comfort her.

Touch could be used to comfort, soothe, and establish a therapeutic bond and rapport between client and nurse.

(Daniels & Daniels, 2004, Pp. 76.)

Legal and Ethical Issues

associated with a child health assessment

Violation of nurse-client privacy (Talked about her menstrual cycle in front of her mother)

Client-nurse interactions might be by the requirement of ensuring privacy.

(Antai-Otong, 2008, Pp. 116)

Part 2


Appropriate action


References/ Sources


Calm and lowered Voice volume and tone.

Clients show immense frustration at their helplessness to speak out certain things and get quite encouraged by the calm and attentive conversation by the nursing staff.

(Adam & Osborne, 2005. Pp. 40)

Cultural competence

Asked the patient's mother to go outside to call (just to make the patient comfortable and to enable her to discuss specific things that she would not have discusses in presence of her mother)

Care that is culturally competent is a complex integration of skills, knowledge and attitudes, which augments cross-cultural communication and effective and appropriate interactions. The intent of care that is culturally competent is providing care, which is consistent with the cultural needs of the patient.

(Kelly, 2009, Pp. 360)

Quality & safety (includes RN scope of practice)

Assisted the patient in managing the problems with her menstrual cycles, depicted substantial level of knowledge and explained the potential problems to the patient that might arise if not treated.

The practice of nursing means those functions, together with fundamental healthcare that assist patients in coping up with complexities in routine living that are linked with their potential or actual illness or health problems, or the treatments ...
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