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Entry1 Pre Write

Cheating is the not ethical way to achieve a desired task or goal. It is normally used for the breaking of rules in order to accomplish the plan. This is the dishonest mean and, does not only related with academics. Cheating is the broader way and, an individual can cheat to his family, career, job and business partners. There are different ways of cheating and, person chooses different techniques in order to get the success (Tan Ee Lyn, 2012). The person who is cheating is called as a cheat and, this individual has no respect in the respectable society. It is not necessary that individual always cheats but, when he finds himself in a challenge then he adopts immoral ways of cheating. There are different sports in which gambling is prevailed and, individuals adopt different ways of cheating when playing such games.

Cheating when considered to the broader aspect, it is considered as the trend today to accomplish the achievements. Each individuals is cheating other individual for the accomplishment of immoral desires. There are several examples today in which cheating has caused the loss of property, business, life and other ethical violations. It is the ethical violation because, if individual does not choose ethical values then, he will choose negative ways for the fulfillment of desires. These desires are not the needs but, the demands of individuals such as; father cheats for his son and family, students cheat for their careers and, business partners cheat for the sake of earning more money. It is not the new trend because, from centuries men are cheating others for several reasons. There are ethical values which individuals are bound to follow but, their needs and demands are larger than the ethical values which allow them to cheat.

Entry 2 Website Evaluation

I am working as a HSE advisor in Shell, California and, I have chosen HSE as a career job. With the rapid increase in competition, it is difficult to find a job in a reputable company and, get high salary. I was lucky to get job in Shell and, got experience of 2 years. I was aimed to learn and work with thorough concentration and motivation. For this purpose, I worked hard and, expect a future growth in this company. From the last 6 to 8 months, I noticed that managers are not appreciating for my hard work and, there are no chances of growth in this company. I made my CV and, though to submit on the website which was the most relevant in order to search jobs

I researched that, online recruitment is the best technique today to get hired. There are number of my friends, who have been hired through these online recruitment websites. Different friends have suggested me different websites such as; ,, and I was little confused about choosing, which of the websites worked best. It was up to me to make several accounts on these website in order to get the job ...
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