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Individual Assignment BSA/310

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Individual Assignment BSA/310


McBride Financial Service offers mortgage solution at very low cost. The company provides to families, retirees and professional, which are willing to buy either a secondary, primary recreational or residence properties. The company wants to revamp its marketing plan in order to attract new clients and to sustain existing ones, as well as want to make a fit between their services and type of purchaser.

Market Research

There is an essential need to formulate an effective marketing research plan for the success of marketing campaign of McBride Financial Services. McBride Financial Services will conduct shopper market study, in order to evaluate the purchasing propensity of the perspective clients in their area of interest. This market survey allows them the chance to grasp a market of particular clientele type, which is more feasible to acquire services of McBride Financial, also target the large general constituency via advertisement (Sagor, 2005).

Recent and popular trends of market, such as AD Tracking and become easier just because of internet that allows McBride Financial Services to make use of Ad tracking, which helps the company in keeping the track of brand's performance, as well as keep an eye over consumer preferences and perception about company's services. McBride Financial Services will use consumer decision processes to identify what factors motivate clients to make purchase and examine the decision making process of clients. Both processes, the Buyer Assessment Process and Ad Tracking will be used in combination, as they assist McBride Financial Services in assessing which segment of consumers they want to target and at what percentage. The most accurate and used marketing methods is consumer satisfaction survey and research. This type of marketing research helps businesses in evaluating how much the client is satisfy with the services of company and how they perceive the overall purchasing experience. It also facilitates in identifying strengths and weaknesses of business, so that McBride Financial Services can determine the gaps or areas of improvements, and deign a marketing plan accordingly.

Types of Media

It is equally important to select the appropriate form of advertising media, as it can break or make marketing and business decision. The target market of McBride Financial Services consists of families, retirees, and industry professionals; and types of media must be based on the media preferences of target audience. It has been noted that retire people rarely use the Internet and usually relay and read printed advertisement and newspaper. On the other hand, industry professionals frequently use internet for business, as well as for research. For the concluding studies of demographic routinely demonstrate the best approach to target families' via media are radio and television; however, the use of internet is rapidly increasing and cannot be ignored. Other type of media can also be employed to gain the attention of target market, while considering the current marketing budget of the McBride Financial Services, it is recommended to advertise through radio, television and newspaper; whereas, internet remains the most ...
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