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APA Research Paper

APA Research Paper


The emergence of populism as a social phenomenon is linked to processes of rapid modernization and change as a critical stance to the different stages of development that these processes can generate the different classes or regions of a country and thus an inequality in several areas of society. Populism in a positive sense defines a system in which power rests more in the town itself, not professional politicians to govern for the convenience of the people. The conservatives have used the term populist to describe the governments who are unwilling to be influenced by the large economic groups and seek to adhere strictly to the rules democratic(Cashman, 1993).

In accordance with this meaning, some populist movements have given large sections of the population limited benefits or short-term solutions that do not threaten the social order and give citizens a real capacity for self-determination of peoples, but serve to raise or maintain the popularity of leaders or regime to strengthen its power. For example, sometimes or neoconservative groups mistakenly apply it to movements or socialist parties, but populism does not advocate or ideologies precise awareness and debate or consensus of political or economic theory advocating clear but the feelings of mainstream acceptance a group in power and a shallow but intense ideological. Therefore, populism is not left or right, since it is a practice group in power and not an ideological movement itself.

Populism refers to a social movement, which claims that the power rests more on the common people, that is, promotes a kind of proto- democracy and anti-elitism looking encourage farmers, workers, small entrepreneurs, lower clergy unions, popular capitalists (no contact with the oligarchies), the middle and lower classes, and less power for the corporatist political and economic elites and warlords. Populism is based on voluntary support, the political ideas of the indigenous culture without necessarily falling into nationalism, opposed to imperialism.

In the U.S., as in Latin America, has used the term populism to describe the characteristics of the candidates of both right and left. In the campaign for the 2008 presidential election, both Hillary Clinton and Obama, have been described as populist. For his part, President George W. Bush has also been seen as populist. Historically, the BBC has described the government of Ronald Reagan as conservative populism whiles both the New Deal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the New Frontier by John F. Kennedy's initiatives have been considered progressive populism. In 2007, economist Paul Krugman argued that the United States needed a populist backlash to reverse the increase in social inequality.

The word populism refers to a movement first policy held in the second half of the nineteenth century the United States by farmers face prohibitive tariffs as privileged access to the public domain was allowed companies to route iron to impose. Other movements, including workers, have organized themselves against interest rate they considered abusive. Populism is a system that has been used to govern a country with a large proportion of its population ...
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