Apa Research Paper

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APA Research Paper

To: Boss

Date: 24th May, 2012.

Subject: Paintings for office which reflect our values and organizational culture

Dear Sir, I have chosen six pieces of work which fall in either 'Impressionism' or 'Post-impressionism' styles of paintings. The descriptions of all the 6 paintings are as follows.

Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings: the differences

Impressionism and Post-impressionism are the terms used to describe two different styles of painting. Impressionism is a 19th century painting style which focused more on the color and realistic representation of things in their true sense. Though it is believed that Post-impressionism is developed from impressionism, it has a different style than impressionism in some aspects. Impressionist painters tried to capture things in their real, spontaneous sense on their canvases, that's why you they painted their pieces in outdoors and portrayed outdoor, natural scenes in paintings. On the other hand, post-impressionist painters brought some idealism in their pieces and completed their work indoors inside their studios. Post-impressionist painters also attached special importance to geometric forms while painting their pieces. Impressionist painters on the other hand preferred firm and small brushstrokes in painting their pieces. Impressionist paintings are marked by softer edges while post-impressionist paintings are marked by somewhat harder edges (Stewart, 1989).

It is widely believed that impressionism gave birth to several other painting styles including Fauvism and Cubism while post-impressionism gave birth to modern art. That's the point of difference between these two painting styles. Another aspect which differs post-impressionism from impressionism is the amount of time required to complete the work. Post-impressionist took more time to complete their paintings than the impressionist as they brought some idealism in their paintings, tried to make things perfect and make proper sense, while impressionist used to complete their work quickly, sometimes in just one sitting as they just painted what they saw, didn't try ...
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