Ancient Roman Societies

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Ancient Roman Societies


Roman Empire is one of the greatest in the history of human civilization. It was this period when societies achieved the greatest triumphs of mankind. They entirely changed the course of human development and took it at a new, higher level which was never observed before. The crucial aspect of these accomplishments is that their influence can still be observed not only in later societies and even in contemporary societies. The paper discusses three major accomplishments that are Art and Literature, Architecture and law. These accomplishments have ever lasting impact which can clearly be witnessed in the same field in modern society even after thousands of years.


Many ancient civilizations have added to our current knowledge, technology, and understanding of the world while some provide the foundations of modern ideology. Roman Empire is one of the most accomplished human civilizations that has contributed significantly to the development and technology structure of then and even contemporary societies. Many of these accomplishments have lasting impact that is still observable in the respective fields of knowledge. The Roman civilization was the final and foremost earliest civilization before Europe fell into the Dark times. Modern Western civilization are indebted to a great magnitude to the Ancient Romans because of many of their accomplishments which can still be observed in our daily lives. For instance, roman presented a comprehensive legal system whose laws are still applicable and part of modern law. They mastered the art of warfare tactics. They were able to built monumental buildings which even today stand with their unique magnificence. The Roman civilization was also one of the longest and most lasting civilizations, which remained over 1,200 years on the earth soil. Roman Society did not leave a single stone unturned in the course of development. In the days of the republic, Roman expansion began, but it was under Emperor Trajan that the Empire reached its greatest extent (Kelly, pp. 72). Rougly 6.5 million kilometers were under the direct control of this massive empire at the time of Trajan's Reign. The various institutions including cultural left an indelible impact on the development and advancement of philosophy, forms of government, language, religion, law, and architecture in the region it ruled, which consisted all through the contemporary world throughout Europe, comprising the control of Italian Peninsula.

Roman Army

The Roman Empire was potent, attributable to its strong martial tactics. Their military policies assisted to enlarge the kingdom. The warriors were guided in the most up-to-date tactics of warfare and were equipped with the latest and finest weapons of combat of the time. The soldiers belonged to a specific "legion" which was an army unit comprising approx 5,000 soldiers together with, light and heavy infantry and also cavalry. This legion was additional split into "maniples" that comprise of over hundred men.

Till the conclusion of the second century, the army of Rome comprised mainly of male citizens aged between 17 and 46 years old, who were summoned each year for duty. The soldiers from a specific ...
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