Analyzing A Core Health Or Healthcare Policy

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Analyzing a Core Health or Healthcare Policy

Analyzing a Core Health or Healthcare Policy


Medicaid is a health care program in the United States, which is organized by the State and Federal Government funding parity. Mixed financing is set so that the federal government contributes 50 to 80 percent of the costs in each state, based on the per capita income of the state. The target groups are the people with low incomes, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Medicaid is in the national budgets of most states, one of the largest budget items, an average of a quarter of spending is going into this program. Medicaid is funded by federal taxes, the states and the communities in the United States. Medicaid was created in 1965 by legislation under the Social Security Act of 1965, a supplement to the 1935 introduced social security system of the United States (State children's health insurance program, 1999). Every state has its individual Medicaid program and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to centrally monitor this program. 8.1 percent of the US population had a Medicaid insurance coverage in 2006. This 8.1 percent included 57.8 million citizens, including 30.2 million children. Among the types of people who are likely to benefit from this plan include: the low-income parents, children, the elderly and people with impairments. Medicaid is the largest financial assistance for medical or health-related for people with limited earnings. In 2014, Medicaid will be expanded public coverage to U.S. citizens with incomes just above the poverty line (up to 133% of it); 16 million people could benefit (Smith, 2011).


American Medical Association (AMA) and American Hospital Association (AHA)

The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded in 1847. It is the largest association of doctors and medical students in the USA. The task of the American Medical Association is to promote the art and science of medicine to improve health, develop an interest in the medical community and their patients, to perform lobbying for legislative institutions of enacting support to physicians and patients, and work to increase the budget for medical education. The American Medical Association responded to government estimates which show that more than 35 million citizens of the Unites States dwell in underdeveloped regions, offering the immediate distribution of 16,000 physicians to meet this need while preventing this phenomenon may s aggravate due to the increase in population and the age of the workforce. This is mainly due to the restrictions of immigration of foreign doctors in the United States, following the attacks of 9/11. The aims and objectives of the association are: advancement of medicine as a science and practice; improve health care and the state of health of the population; motivating the interest of physicians and patients to address issues related to health; lobbying for legislation to improve health care; and fund raising.

The American Hospital Association has a Bill of Rights Patient with the hope that the observation of these contribute to a better patient care and greater patient satisfaction, your ...
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