Anabolic Steroids

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Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic Steroids


Anabolic androgenic steroids remain the most controversial and widely substances used to enhance athletic performance and / or physical appearance. The recent commercial availability of testosterone gel increases the likelihood that more individuals and / or athletes use these substances in the future. The ethical and legal implications of using hormones to enhance sports performance are clear, it is unethical and illegal. However, less clear are the medical implications surrounding the use of anabolic steroids to enhance athletic performance or appearance (Elliot, 2000). More research is needed on these substances to get a better understanding of positive and negative attributes of the same (Dirix, 1988). Anabolic steroids are the way it is known synthetic substances based on male sex hormones (androgens). Precisely at the end of 1930 scientists discovered that these steroids also facilitated the growth of muscles in laboratory animals, which led to the use of these substances by bodybuilders and weightlifters and then by athletes in other specialties. The abuse of steroids has spread so that today affects the outcome of sporting events.

Androgenic Steroids and Its Relationship to Doping Control in Sports

Cawley, Kazlauskas (2005), Trout, Rogerson and George argues that anabolic androgenic steroids, i.e., steroid hormones or synthetic analogues of steroid hormones that promote tissue growth and masculinization, have been used in sports to increase muscle mass and improve performance for nearly 50 years (Barrett, 1995). Anabolic and androgenic properties of each steroid compound are determined by their chemical structure and / or metabolites, and this activity can vary considerably. Many of the products that are sold as black market steroids contain an irresponsible amount of anabolic steroids or other than one mentioned on the label. In other words, athletes often do not know what they are using.

By exaggerating the side effects and minimizes the performance benefits of medical and scientific community has lost much credibility in their efforts to discourage steroid use in sports. It seems likely that many of the serious side effects associated with steroid use could have been prevented medical monitoring and education before, during and after the use of these substances (Michael, 2005). 

How abused anabolic-androgenic steroids?

Athletes and non athletes, uses anabolic-androgenic steroids in an attempt to improve their performance or their physical appearance. The AAS are taken orally or injected, typically in cycles instead of being used continuously.

Risk factors

Drugs have a lot of risk factors attached to it, when studying it on a general basis many sports personalities which are illegal before the game and not prescribed to take. Taking these steroids can enhance the performance of the sports personality but in the longer run higher intake will lead the person to many effects.

Other studies also indicate an increase in body weight, fat-free mass, muscle size and libido with anabolic steroid use. However, the improvement in some of these physiological variables, although impressive, is counterbalanced by negative and possibly life-threatening side effects.

Anabolic steroids have physical side effects that may develop “prominent breasts, Baldness, Shrunken testicles, Infertility” in male; and “a deeper voice, an enlarged clitoris, increased body ...
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