An Innovation Or Attempt At An Innovation That You Have Personally Been Involved With

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An Innovation Or Attempt At An Innovation That You Have Personally Been Involved With

An Innovation Or Attempt At An Innovation That You Have Personally Been Involved With


Talking about innovation is, first, the need to establish clearly the different meanings given to the term and its relation to concepts such as change and improvement that is often used synonymously, but not such, although its meaning may be closely linked to innovation. Based on the etymology of the word, you can talk about innovation in the sense that the mere introduction of something new and different, but this meaning, leaves open the possibility that "something new" or not, because of improvement, so new it would be a method that facilitates the improvement of reading comprehension, as one that inhibits it. Sometimes, the term innovation is used to denote an improvement over methods, materials, forms of work, etc., previously used, but the improvement alone may or may not be innovation, eg, a method may better because it applies a knowledge of cause or with more experience, and in this case there is no innovation, while if the method is improved by the introduction of new elements, the improvement may be associated with an innovation then. Thus, a first approach to the concept of innovation can be the "introduction of something new to produce improvement". An analysis more detailed must be carried out to examine the relationship between innovation and change. If it is established that innovation means introducing something new to produce improvement, going from the fact that I had before, to a state of improvement, is the presence of a change. However, it can be argued that any change is an innovation, a change can occur even unintentional and due to the involvement of multiple factors in a given situation. Thus, innovation can be established that is more planned, more deliberate, more systematic and more work from our desire to change, which is usually spontaneous. Even when the term coinciding innovation is associated with the meaning of introducing something new to produce improvement, and therefore brings about a change arises after the discussion of what will be understood by "new" (Boyce, 2010). Strictly speaking, the new is associated with what had never been invented, or made known, that is generated, is instituted or presented for the first time using this meaning of the new, the innovations would be really scarce or rare not common to emerge something new in the above sense.

The above discussion leads to the approach of the new in another dimension, mostly associated with forms or new ways of doing or using something. In this sense, it is recognized as a new something that has already been known or used in other times or situations, but that is now used in new circumstances, with different purposes in various combinations and forms of organization, etc. The above statements allow full agreement with the definition Richland gives for innovation: "Innovation is the selection, organization and use creative resources human and material in ...
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