Amazing World Of Fun Case Study

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Amazing World of Fun Case Study

Amazing World of Fun Case Study

Question 4. Krista is starting to feel that everyone in the park is conspiring against her. Identify where this perception has come from, highlighting errors in her social perception which seem to be working against her.

Gossip, rumors, and conspiracy theories

Gossip, rumors, and conspiracy theories—these are all forms of unproven knowledge that circulate through social networks. Social network theory describes how ideas can diffuse quickly through groups with strong ties; Mark Granovetter explains how weak ties between people can help information move from network to network. Some theorists use the terms rumor and gossip interchangeably. Others use gossip to connote more personal, local stories, and rumor to refer to stories that are widely relevant and spread to a larger population. The term urban legend refers to a rumor with a plot and narrative structure (generally formulaic). The term conspiracy theory refers to a populist, all-encompassing explanation of events, usually intricate in plot yet simplistic in its belief in single, hidden causes. Like rumors, they are popular and, until proven, unsubstantiated forms of knowledge that are produced outside mainstream institutions and circulated through social networks rather than through official channels of communication (academic papers, the university, established religions, and the like). Conspiracy theories usually focus on hidden knowledge, evil intentions, small groups of powerful people controlling events, and simple explanations of complex events. Rumors can claim that fictional events are real (assertive rumors) or that real events are fiction (nugatory rumors). Once a position becomes labeled as a conspiracy theory, by definition it is considered illegitimate; however, once confirmed as fact, rumors, gossip, and conspiracy theories by definition become news or information. Rumors, gossip (Alge & Hansen, 2007, pp. 381-91), and conspiracy theories are often viewed with distrust because they are unproven and likely to contain negative claims and because their spread may bring about serious consequences.

In the presented case the problem was that Krista felt that all the other employees conspiring against her and this issue she raised in the meeting, where the discussion was something like this:

July was one year on from Krista's initial appointment, and George had arranged a performance review meeting, which Eric and Amy asked to sit in on. This was not unusual; these meetings often generated ideas about the future direction of the park which needed discussion with other directorate members.

George started things off. "Krista thanks for coming in to talk with us today. Can I just say up front that I think you're doing a great job”

"Thanks George" she replied. "I'm sure having some fun and Wetland is well on target to break even this year and should make the profit we hoped for within two years, as long as I can get my little changes approved.”

Eric and Amy were shocked at this opening comments. Her "little changes" would seriously undermine their authority and George seemed to be lapping it up! However, not wanting to be seen as hostile, Eric ventured "Well yes, you certainly have some interesting ideas, and from what I hear you have already started implementing some ofthem without ...
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