Alternatives to the erection of additional Transmission Lines
Alternatives to the erection of additional Transmission Lines
The objective of planning in the long term a transmission power is identify alternatives for expansion of infrastructure transport infrastructure which address to meet future demand basic requirements power quality, safety and reliability with a minimum investment and operating cost. Therefore, this analysis also known as plasanitation of expansion. Mathematically, this analysis corresponds to an optimization problem nonlinear mixed integer whose solution space (Possible alternatives) and state space operative in each alternative (those resulting from loss of components) are of dimensions combinatorial, for which researchers have explored different methods to obtain the so-optimal solution or a good sub-optimal solution in computing the shortest time possible, which can be classified into three groups: methods empirically between based on engineering judgment and standards deterministic classical optimization methods using mathematical techniques and decomposition combinatorial optimization techniques such as genetic algorithms, grasp, etc. (Gopakumar, 2010, pp. 228-31).
Given the complexity of the problem to solve, all solution methodologies have made ??great simplifications in the treatment of the aspects of power quality, safety and reliability, only to mention the case of reliability, it has traditionally been addressed by the criterion deterministic n-1 which does not set rates or measures which allows comparisons give quantitative between alternative or be included in economic analyzes. Therefore, much work is currently in development of new methods for finding solutions in the shortest possible time and in the imramiento analysis of system performance of so that issues of power quality, safety and reliability are discussed in more rigorous. Thus, this article deals with the valuation explicitly (quantitative) of the reliability within the corresponding optimization problem to you in the long term planning of a system power transmission.
Electricity Transmission
The transmission is the service that is to transport electricity from the generating plant to the local networks through cables that allow the movement to high voltages. The activity of coordination between generation and transmission is vital to ensure the supply of electricity to final consumers. Once on the network, the electricity is distributed according to physical laws. Therefore, it is not possible to direct and cannot determine the source of electricity from the system. As the balance between supply and demand must be kept constantly at each network node and needs can change rapidly in a short time, require centralized control of both activities. This control is usually carried out by the same company that handles the transmission. Furthermore, where the order in which incorporated generation plants is not determined through a market, also commonly ordered PGE to provide that energy into the network to meet demand at any given time, normally using the criterion of minimizing cost for the entire system.
In the transport of electricity can achieve significant economies of scope and density. As mentioned, power is difficult to stock. Therefore, the fluid flowing through the power lines at all times of day, month or year can be considered a different product. This gives the transmission characteristic of a multi-activity, and allowing economies ...