Affects Of War On Terrorism In The Us

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Affects of war on terrorism in the US

Outline of the report


Definition of Terrorism



Effects of Terrorism

Social Effects

Social Consequences

Economic Effects



The phenomenon of terrorism is not new. It has existed since the beginning of the human civilization. There is no proper definition of the term but its dimensions are diverse and complex, which include but are not limited to political, social, psychological, religious and economic, etc. There are a host of factors influencing the notion of terrorism. They are all inter-linked and there is no fine line between them, thus we cannot decide why people are enticed to carry out terrorist attacks. In this paper, we discuss the question how terrorist organizations are financed and who are the supporters of such organizations (Nacos, 2008). Terrorists seek to use violence as a legitimate political tactic, even though all the world's societies condemn such acts. Terrorists avoided (or excluded or are included) of the traditional channels of political negotiation. Terror is a strategy an organization to attack a target weak powerful, terrorism is also a tactic that not only small armed groups also use the government can commit, so denominating state terrorism, which is the illegitimate use of violence by a government against individuals or population groups.

The Effects of Terrorism

Terrorist attacks are characterized by significant impact on the human psyche, causing his traumatic stress, and psychological consequences of which in its extreme manifestation is expressed in post-traumatic stress disorder. (PTSD) arises as a prolonged or delayed reaction to a situation involving a serious threat to life or health. This gives rise to a number of negative social consequences, affecting different areas of social life of the individual. It should be noted that the traumatic impact of terrorist attacks comes not only from the direct, immediate threat to human life, but also indirect, associated with the expectation of its realization. Modern man can never feel secure from the threat of terrorism. The September 11 attacks have caused human and material losses much higher than those of any other terrorist attack in modern history (Kegley, 2003). The destruction of property was estimated in the national accounts to $ 14 billion for private businesses, $ 1.5 billion for entities within the State and local governments and 0.7 billion for the State federal. Expenditures rescue and clearing and associated costs were estimated at least $ 11 billion. The tip of Manhattan has lost about 30 percent of its area office and many companies have disappeared. Nearly 200,000 jobs were destroyed or relocated out of New York City, at least temporarily. A few weeks after the attacks, Bioterrorism entered the scene. Deadly anthrax spores have contaminated the mail and caused several deaths. At the same time, it has taken more aware of several other sources of threat. Concern was expressed about the vulnerability of ability of critical infrastructure (power plants, nuclear facilities, machining ties chemical, dams, bridges, pipelines and water supply). The threat of mega was no longer a mere fiction (Ganor, 2006).

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