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Effectiveness of the ad


The idea behind the ad is simple yet creative. The concept of the ad supports the message of the ad which it intends to communicate across the audience. The print ad shows a young kid who is engaged in a physical activity involving physical stress and effort, which is not very common these days with the evolution of games and sports activities into console games and indoor games. The ad involves the use of sarcasm and it is quite funny. It shows how a PS2 console is tangle on one of the branches of a huge tree and a young fat boy is trying to climb that tree to get it. The ad shows no other human figure to keep the focus of the viewer on the central theme of the ad which is the boy, the huge tree and the physical activity of the boy in which he is engaged. What if there was some other physical sport or activity in which the boy the was engaged instead of the one in the print ad? For instance, a baseball game or a soccer game etc, in that case, the fat boy would have faded away in the background or due to the inclusion of other models in the image, cannibalizing the central idea and concept of the ad. The print ad looks very candid as if someone actually found a young fat boy climbing on a huge tree in the middle of a park, and thought it looks rather an act to encourage other children as well to get involved in such sports and activities to have a good health instead of wasting time on console games or no game at all, and just took the picture. The print ad also looks candid because the only model in this ad, which is the boy, is not even facing the camera, but his back, and communicating the simple message through his actions. Other than the only model for the purpose of directing the focus of the viewer, we can also see that in the background, there is not a single tree which looks as huge and prominent as the one the boy is attempting to climb. As a result of which, the ad manages to gain instant attention on the central idea of the ad.


The message emphasizes on the fact that children need to engage in physical activities to avoid obesity and other related diseases. There is a growing trend towards indoor games like console games and the use of internet and advancement in technology has resulted in reduction of physical activities among children. The message shows concern for children and directly involves the parents as it say “Your Children”, communicating to them that “Encourage” your children, meaning, if a child feels shy, lack of confidence or just doesn't like outdoor games, sports and on the field performance any more due to his involvement and interest in console games, television, internet etc, then ...
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