Active Citizenship

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Active citizenship

In your own life, your school or placement, how have you established an approach to active citizenship and how does this relate to Sir Bernard Crick's recommendations and to Osler and Starkey's criticisms of them, as well as to 'The Big Society'?

Active citizenship


Sir Bernard Crick brought an idea of citizenship among people, he was a teacher, and he was also an adviser of former Home Secretary and an influential political theorist. There was a report which name is “Education for Citizenship and The teaching of Democracy in School”, this report also known as Crick report which was written by a team and the leader of that team is Sir Bernard Crick.

According to this report, there are so many things included, “the importance for citizenship education and school of positive relation and interaction with community organizations and communities”. This can help young generation in order to help them to understand responsibilities, roles and duties as a citizen towards organized society. It can also help those people work at home, office and different organizations and those people who want to apply for citizenship in the UK. I helped so many people who want to apply for citizenship in UK and those people who came in UK and migrate from different countries.

What is citizenship in UK?

Citizenship in UK is the final stage of a three-stage process of obtaining a British passport. Under UK law the citizens of this country have the right to dual citizenship. The right to dual citizenship referred to in Article 62 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thus, obtaining citizenship in England, you and retain the citizenship of the Russian Federation. British Passport - one of the most prestigious and comfortable in the world today. This is not to say that the process of immigration to the UK a more labor intensive than in other English-speaking countries. Wherever you decide to live and work, the passport of a citizen of Great Britain will give you and your family members certain advantages. To obtain citizenship necessary to meet the following requirements:

To live in the UK at least 5 years (3 years for spouses of UK citizens).

Do not allow violations of immigration laws in the UK throughout the period of stay in the country.

If necessary, confirm the absence of mental illness.

Demonstrate respectable behavior.

Proficient in English at a sufficient level.

To confirm further the desire to live in the UK or to maintain close relations with this country


In this essay I am going to define so many aspects of citizenship and I will evaluate my approach to active citizenship. I will also define that how this approach can relate to Sir Bernard Crick's recommendation and to Osler and Starkey's criticism of them. UK is facing immigration issues and this is the big issue for them. The UK has experienced significant immigration from its former colonies after the Second World War and the end of the British Empire ...
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