A Prose Essay

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A Prose Essay

A Prose Essay


There are many theories present in the history of literature that provides many principles on which the peoples can analyze the literature. The literature theories that are considered as critical theories for literature are mostly known as comparative analysis theories because most of the times criticism is processed by comparing one literature with another one. The most common critical or comparative analysis theories include the Post-Colonial Theory, Translation Theory, New criticism Theory and Feminist criticism theory. Each mentioned theory has their unique rules, principles and scales on which it analyzes the literature. However the most effective of them are translation theory and the theory of criticism. The translation theory translates the idea of the author of the selected literatures which are going to analyze then provide the results of the comparison on the basis of this translation of ideas. While, on the other side, the theories of criticism such as Feminism Criticism theory and new criticism theory uses critical nature to analyze and compare any two selected literature (Culler, 2000).

There are also many other critical theories of literature that mostly depend on the criticism technique. These theories include Queer theory, or gender studies, Psychological criticism, Reader response criticism, Marxist criticism, and many more. These theories are provides different principles for critically evaluate any literature. In this prose essay, we are going to provide an example of critical literature review of novels “The L-Shaped Room” and “Come and join the dance” is the theory of translation or translation theory for comparing literature. In this essay, we are going to use translation theory to provide a critical analysis of selected literature due to the reason that this theory provides more precise results. The novel “L-Shaped Room” is written by Lynne Reid Banks and published in the year 1960. While the next literature is the novel from the book “Come and Join the dance” is written by Joyce Glassman and published in the year 1962.


Different critical theories of literature

Theories of comparing literature are always considered as the most interpretive and effective tool that provides help to the readers and the people to think more insightfully and deeply about the literature they actually read or going to read. With the flow of time, different theories for comparing literature are developed, each having its own principles and approaches to analyze and compare the readings. Let us consider some theories with their tools they actually used to analyze the literature.

Feminist Criticism theory

The theory of Feminist Criticism is announced in the year 1960 and remains used until now and many peoples and critic used this technique to perform criticism and providing the comparison of two literatures. It is based on an Umbrella term “Feminist” which separate experiences of human from male experiences. Those critics using this approach grabs attention in the areas like in which social structures of patriarch have women of marginalized type and also as the male authors always exploit women in their portrayal (Wellek, P ...
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