A Doll's House

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A Doll's House


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the character of Nora in the A Doll's House". "A Doll's House" is a drama piece by Henrik Ibsen, published in 1879. The play premiered at the Royal Theatre on 21 December, 1879 in Copenhagen, and was written in realism. Ibsen wrote a book of drama play "A Doll's House" and the book came out in Gyldendal. The play was, at that time, much discussed and criticized. The reason was that it was unheard of at the time that a woman left her husband (Shaw, 88). The play was a scathing critique of the traditional roles of men and women in Victorian marriage. The composition of this drama is divided into three acts. It is told in chronological order, with flashbacks, or retrospective technique. This is a compositional tool, and is used to make the action more compelling and less boring and straight forward. The technique enables us to look back in time at what is causing the "present-day" problem.


Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on 20th March in 1828. Today he is known as Norway's playwright. Ibsen is known today as the largest playwrights. He died in 1906. Henrik Ibsen's plays are played in theaters throughout the world. "A Doll's House" is from his best collection. It is interpreted and performed in different ways depending on which country or religion as a player, it also comes with the rules (Strict or lenient). Why and how the Nora leaves Torvald is one of the differences (Templeton, 28).

Thesis Statement

Nora was the real provider for her family even though she had to cheat and lie to be able to support her family.



A Doll's House" is about the couple Nora and Torvald who live a happy and peaceful life with their three children. Torvald had at one time been ill and his treatment was a trip abroad to Italy. The trip was expensive, but a loan from Nora's father made it possible. Torvald did not know that Nora had borrowed money from the bank by forging his father's signature. It was later discovered and Nora was put in a dilemma between his old friend Mrs. Linde and Krogstad banker Mrs. Kristine Linde is an old friend of Nora who is a widow and need neither to support his mother and brothers. Krogstad arrives and threatens Nora that she should use her influence on Torvald to get Krogstad keep his job (Dukore, 7). He threatens that if she does not, he will tell you that she has borrowed money without her husband's approval. He also found out that the date on the promissory note is dated three days after his father's death. Nora confesses that she forged her father's signature. Torvald forgives Nora, but she has now started to think. She walks into the room and change clothes, and when she came out she told me that she cannot live with him anymore (Törnqvist, 45). She had found out that she did not ...
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