9 Silver Plates Depicting David

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9 Silver Plates Depicting David


David is a character from the Bible which, the second king of Israel is presented in the biblical narrative, and his son Solomon, as one of the two founders of the ancient Jewish state. His story is told in the first book of Samuel and his life as a king in the second book of Samuel and the beginning of The First Book of Kings (Samuel, p. 1-8). The tradition traces its reign in the tenth century BC. AD, what archaeological discoveries of the early 1990s tend to support. For the biblical story, the young shepherd of the tribe of Judah, son of Jesse, is called the side of King Saul to soothe his songs. He routs the enemy Philistines by defeating the giant Goliath with his slingshot. He became the hero of Israel, it attracts the jealousy and vindictiveness of Saul, had to flee and took the lead of guerrillas, operating divine vengeance and redistributing the loot to the poor (Samuel, p. 1-8).

David was the youngest son of Jesse (Jesse) in Bethlehem born. Soon he came to Saul's court, which is told in the Bible in two mutually exclusive options. In the first Saul can get him to play by David on the "harp" kinnor to have cheer, because he was "by the Lord plagued sent evil spirit”. This is immediately followed includes the well-known story of the victory over the giant Goliath to: The shepherd boy David, who was supposed to bring only his in the army serving brethren bread and cheese, endured the blasphemous mockery of the champion of the Philistines and not killed it simple with a slingshot. Then Saul inquired, who this brave boy, and let him come to his court (JesusAnswers.com).

David at the court soon attracted the jealousy of Saul to himself, since he appeared as a greater hero than the king. Saul then tried to kill him. The attempt failed, however, and David was able to flee, because by his wife Michal had warned, a daughter of Saul. Saul's son Jonathan, who was David's close friend, helped him in his escape (Samuel, p. 1-8). David made his way as a band leader and was hunted by Saul, with 3000 chosen soldiers. In the caves of En Gedi, the king went to his needs exactly happened in the cave where David and his men were hiding. But instead of murdering him, as was demanded by his band, David merely cut off a corner of the royal robe (Samuel, p. 1-8).

Thesis Statement

David's importance to Christianity is based on the fact that Jesus as Messiah is the Son of David.

In the four Gospels there is no mention of Jesus' claim to the house of David to come. Instead he puts it into question. Even his contemporaries, such an origin is not known. In the generation of the Apostle Paul had then already widespread belief that Jesus was taken from the house of David. This explains the two different genealogies in Matthew and Luke ...
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